Marmox® BOARD ULTRA tile backers

Marmox BOARD ULTRA is made of extruded polystyrene foam boards, covered on both sides with special polymeric cement mortar, reinforced with alkali resistance glass fiber mesh providing a very special surface texture which ensures a good adhesion to tile adhesive.  The special XPS-benefit is that its thermal insulation properties are not affected whatsoever by wet or damp conditions.

The boards are tough, extra light weight and water resistant. The surface is ready for tiling. The main advantage of Marmox BOARD ULTRA is the extraordinary light weight and water vapor proofing properties. The boards are suitable for use as a substrate for tiles in dry as well as wet areas and very humid rooms. The boards are water impermeable and heat insulating. They are very easy to cut and to use and simple to install.

Marmox BOARD ULTRA tile backers



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